Weather disasters drive US $ 3.64 trillion in losses in 50 years: WMO data

The high costs of weather disasters around the globe is truly laid bare by the latest data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which estimates that weather, climate and water related disasters drove some US$ 3.64 trillion in losses over the last 50 years. The WMO’s latest Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, […]

ILS fund returns dented by European floods in July: ILS Advisers

The average return of the insurance-linked securities (ILS) fund market was dented by the European flooding in July 2021, with some funds focused on private ILS and collateralized reinsurance contracts suffering losses from the event. For the month of July 2021, the average ILS fund return was 0.20%, according to the Eurekahedge ILS Advisers Index. […]

Hurricane Ida insured wind & storm surge losses seen at up to $25bn by AIR

AIR Worldwide has estimated that insurance and reinsurance industry losses to onshore property resulting from the wind and storm surge impacts of Hurricane Ida will be between $17 billion and $25 billion. This estimate from AIR compares to CoreLogic’s industry loss range of $14 billion to $21 billion, and Karen Clark & Company’s re/insured loss estimate […]

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