Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX) lists first Hong Kong cat bond

The Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX) continues to be the listing venue of choice for the catastrophe bond market with a significant percentage of the outstanding market housed there and has even won the listing for the first cat bond to be issued out of Hong Kong.

The Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX), under the strategic guidance of President and Chief Executive Officer Greg Wojciechowski, has positioned itself as the home for catastrophe bond and insurance-linked securities (ILS) listings, winning the vast majority of notes to be issued in the market that require a listing.

In 2020, the BSX listed 253 ILS securities, which was almost 100 more than the 155 listed in 2019.

That put the Exchange as home to almost 93% of the $46.4 billion of cat bond and ILS risk capital outstanding in our Deal Directory at the end of last year.


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