Lessons from Australia’s one-in-a-1,000-year event
The recent floods in Queensland and New South Wales have taken a heavy toll on Australia. However, amidst the losses, valuable lessons can be learned as well: In several communities, flood-mitigation paid off. HDI Global’s Mr Stefan Feldmann reflects on how we live with our changing environment. In March 2022, a severe weather system combined with La Niña […]
Peak Re sponsors 144A catastrophe bond in Hong Kong
Hong Kong-based global reinsurer, Peak Re has issued a US$150 million 144A catastrophe bond via Black Kite Re Limited, a newly established special purposed insurer in Hong Kong. As part of the transaction, Peak Re has entered into a retrocession arrangement with Black Kite Re, providing Peak Re with a multi-year protection against typhoon risk […]
Aussie deep science startup Reask is calculating climate catastrophe on a global scale
Reask co-founder Nick Hassam is speaking at InsurTech Connect Asia in Singapore this week as part of an AusTrade delegation to explain how the company uses data, technology and high-performance computing for climate catastrophe risk modelling. His return to Asia is poignant, since the last time he visited was five years ago for the 15th […]
Louisiana Citizens gets Catahoula Re cat bond at $175m in size
Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation, the non-profit residential and commercial property insurer for those who cannot access private market insurance in the state, eventually secured its latest Catahoula II Re Pte. Ltd. (Series 2022-1) catastrophe bond to provide it $175 million of capital markets backed reinsurance. The insurer launched its efforts to secure a Catahoula II […]