Capital entering reinsurance in 2023 will be rewarded: Aon’s Monaghan
New capital that enters the reinsurance market in 2023 is expected to be rewarded, thanks to strong demand for protection and the attractive terms that capital can be deployed at, according to Joe Monaghan, Global Growth Leader at Aon’s Reinsurance Solutions. After a “turbulent” January reinsurance renewal season, that Monaghan says came to a “pragmatic” […]
Stone Ridge backs $100m retro cyber quota share for Hannover Re
Stone Ridge Asset Management, the New York based asset manager an alternative risk premia focus, including reinsurance and insurance-linked securities (ILS), has provided US $100 million in capital to support an innovative retrocession cyber quota share arrangement for global reinsurance firm Hannover Re. Hannover Re claims this is the first transfer of cyber risks to […]
157 Re sidecar key for CCR Re to grow its property cat portfolio: Halm
French reinsurance company CCR Re has been growing its property catastrophe portfolio in recent years and wants to continue this trend in 2023, seeing its 157 Re collateralised reinsurance sidecar as a key tool in this respect, Mathieu Halm, Chief Retrocession & Alternative Capital Officer at CCR Re explained to Artemis. In an interview, Halm […]
Cat bond market’s use of industry loss triggers likely to persist: Johansmeyer, PCS
As the catastrophe bond market continues to deal with the effects of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, Tom Johansmeyer, Head of PCS, Verisk Insurance Solutions, expects demand for industry loss triggers to persist for some time. “Given the impacts of Hurricane Ian on the market and the fact that they will continue through 2023, use […]