UCITS catastrophe bond funds now make up 25% of the market

Catastrophe bond funds in the UCITS format saw their combined assets under management grow to $12.2 billion by the end of the first-half of 2024, rising 4% in the second-quarter and 11% in the first-half. Impressively, as a share of the outstanding cat bond market, these UCITS fund strategies now make up 25% of risk capital.

In fact, over the last decade UCITS cat bond funds have grown their share of the cat bond market significantly, doubling it from just 12% back at year-end 2015, to now provide the capital to support just over one quarter of the cat bond market’s outstanding issuance.

The $12.2 billion of assets sets another record AUM high for the UCITS cat bond fund sector, which has been growing strongly and providing an increasing share of risk capital to support the outstanding market over the last few years.


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