2024 climate disasters cause billions in losses highlighting urgent need for action: Christian Aid
The year 2024 saw several extreme climate disasters that resulted in billions of dollars in insured losses, underscoring the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, accelerate the transition to renewable energy, and provide funding for vulnerable populations, according to Christian Aid. In its latest report, Christian Aid identified the 10 most costly climate-related disasters of […]
Stone Ridge’s flagship ILS fund returns 92% in two years, casualty reinsurer Longtail Re outperforms
Stone Ridge Asset Management, the New York based alternative risk premia focused investment manager, had another strong year for its reinsurance investment strategies and ventures in 2024, which CEO Ross Stevens describes in his latest investor letter while also explaining some of what makes the firm so interesting. Having delivered record returns to investors in […]
Galapagos Capital gets SUSEP authorisation for SSPE structure to issue ILS in Brazil
Galapagos Capital has now received the expected official authorisation from Brazil’s insurance regulator SUSEP to establish its own Sociedades Seguradoras de Propósito Específico (SSPE), a special purpose reinsurance vehicle that can issue Letra de Risco de Seguro (Insurance Risk Letters), which are insurance-linked securities (ILS). The move puts Galapagos Capital on track to achieve its […]